Editor’s note: Corona del Sol, Marcos de Niza and other Tempe area high schools have been the beneficiaries of programs developed by the Tempe City Council’s Education Partnerships Committee, goal of which is to create collaborative alliances that enhance the quality and delivery of education in Tempe. The following update from Councilmember Ben Arredondo outlines the committee’s accomplishments.
During this past fiscal year, successful partnerships between the City of Tempe and Tempe schools have resulted in numerous rewards to our community. As chair of the council’s Education Partnerships Committee, alongside Councilmember Joel Navarro, we have helped coordinate many mutually beneficial partnerships with schools.
With our residents and educational partners, such as Arizona State University, the Maricopa Community Colleges, the Tempe Union High School District, the Tempe Elementary School District, the Kyrene School District, charter schools and non-profits that further education, we have met the high goals we set last July, achievements even more critical in these challenging economic times. Some of the accomplishments we’ve achieved in conjunction with our educational partners include:
Providing 50 Experience Corps tutors by the City of Tempe through a grant to six Tempe schools, donating over 15,000 hours and providing assistance to over 550 students.
Academic test results have shown significant measurable gains in literacy skills and increased self-confidence among the tutored students.
Offering summer partnerships between the city and school districts to school-age children, allowing the use of each other’s facilities and making programs affordable for Tempe residents.
Some of these partnerships include open weight rooms at Corona, McClintock and Tempe high schools; youth basketball; girls softball; golf; indoor and outdoor summer youth sports camps; free swim lessons for students at Frank and Aguilar elementary schools as well as many more.
Supplying Tempe youth with the Tempe Youth Transit Pass Program, allowing youth ages 6 to 18, who can provide proof of Tempe residency and age to ride the bus and METRO light rail for free.Â
Supporting ASU’s Center for Off-Campus and Commuter Student Services to ensure more ASU freshmen live in dorms and more ASU students live in appropriate off-campus housing, which reduces single family rentals by students and lessens negative impacts on our neighborhoods.
Awarding Diversity/Unity Grants to Corona, Marcos de Niza, McClintock and Tempe high schools to assist students in becoming fully participating and empowered members of our Tempe community while educating them on issues of diversity.
Continuing to identify and facilitate resource sharing among all educational entities, educational non-profits and the City of Tempe to maximize resources and improve services. One critical example is fuel sharing, resulting in lower fuel costs for participating agencies.
We will continue to work on enhancing educational partnerships. The Education Partnerships Council Committee’s complete work plan is available at www.tempe.gov/clerk/CouncilCommittees.htm.
Please feel free to call me anytime at 480-350-8834, or via e-mail at ben_arredondo@tempe.gov with any ideas or feedback.