Chandler Sick Kid Care, a daycare program for infants and children through age 12 who have minor illnesses that prevent them from attending school or regular daycare, is now being offered at Chandler Regional Medical Center.
The program provides a solution for on-the-go parents who need to work during normal business hours.
Care is provided by certified nursing assistants with pediatric training so that parents can be confident that their children are in a nurturing, caring environment under the supervision of registered nurses.Â
Service is available from 6:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, at Chandler Regional Medical Center’s Morrison Building, 1875 W. Frye Road, Chandler.
Fee is $30 for six hours or less and $40 for more than six hours per childÂ
Information/reservations: (480) 728-3353 or Parents must make a reservation in advance because space is limited and a current immunization record is mandatory.