Tempe Union High School District has issued a reminder about Arizona’s Tax Credit Program, which allows taxpayers to donate up to $400 to a school of their choice in support of extracurricular programs and get their donation back in the form of a tax credit.
Contributions must be postmarked by Dec. 31 to apply the credit for 2010.
Funds from Tax Credit donations help to offset the costs of extracurricular activities in local schools. The funds can be applied to activity fees, for equipment purchase and training aids as well as provide for additional instruction and coaching.
Contributions can be made either by downloading a donation form or making an online commitment on the district’s Web site www.tuhsd.k12.az.us, or by completing a form at the district office, 500 W. Guadalupe Road, Tempe.
District offices will be open 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Friday, Dec. 31, to accept last-minute donations.
Information: (480) 345-3716.