Joe Maisel, teacher at Corona del Sol High School and Rio Salado College, has been awarded the 2009-10 Outstanding Faculty in Psychology for Rio Salado College for his development of a dual-enrollment curriculum.
Dr. Tom Lombardo, Pyschology Department chair at the college, nominated Maisel for the award, according to Maisel.
Maisel has been teaching for 27 years, 20 of which have been with Corona. He said he piloted a program for the Tempe Union School District, a dual-enrollment class associated with Rio Salado.
“Now, students enrolled in any psychology classes at Corona have the opportunity to earn elective high school credit in pyschology along with three credits of Psychology 101 via Maricopa Community Colleges,” Maisel said.
Students earning the credit hours can transfer them to any in-state university and many out-of-state schools.
“It began with one class and has evolved into five full classes of AP (advanced placement) Psychology or Pyschology 101 in the past 10 years,” Maisel said. “Truly, it is a fantastic opportunity and a lot of fun to instruct.”
While working with Rio Salado, Maisel said he has been able to develop a curriculum in Pyschology and also serves as a mentor for dual enrollment Pyschology instructors.
“Each year, we’ve been able to add four to five new dual-enrollment instructors,” he said. “Currently, I teach four AP Psychology classes and one Pyschology 101 class at Corona.”
Maisel said he hopes to have the opportunity to instruct his 13-year-old daughter, who will attend Corona next year.
“Fourteen years ago, I hoped to someday instruct our 6- and 4-year-old sons, and many years later have enjoyed having both of them in the class,” Maisel said.