It’s called Thrive to Five, and it’s designed to help ensure that children five and under are ready to succeed, even before their first day in school.
Thrive to Five’s services, recently made available at Family Resource Centers at Kyrene de los Niños and other area schools, include a variety of information, education and development skills for families.
Along with having expanded its locations, Thrive to Five has partnered with Chandler Regional Medical Center to provide a free dental clinic where children receive fluoride varnish treatments, oral health screenings and referrals for children, with no appointment necessary.
Other services are also offered, depending on location. Other offerings include:
Parent/Caregiver Educational Services
Parenting, healthy eating, early literacy, brain development and positive discipline classes at all Thrive to Five locations. Childcare is provided for most classes.
Family Counseling Services
A counselor is available to meet up to five times with families with children ages 0-5. The counselor provides guidance and information related to behavior management, blended families, divorce, separation, deployment, grief and loss or stress management. Sessions can be scheduled at six of the Thrive locations.
Details: 480-858-2473.
Medical Insurance & State Programs Application Assistance
Health-e Arizona Application Assistant determines eligibility for public programs such as AHCCCS, KidsCare, food stamps and cash assistance. Details: 602-749-4184.