Chandler’s Mirada Elementary and 15 other Kyrene district schools recently underwent a massive overhaul of their school security systems, adding I.D. card recognition scanners and other high-tech systems to help ensure the safety of staff and students.
All 25 Kyrene schools are due to have the systems by this summer.
The program, budgeted at $7 million, is being funded from a facilities maintenance and improvements bond election passed by district voters in 2005.
At Mirada, Assistant Principal Dino Katsiris said the school is more effective at allowing teachers to access specific areas at certain times.
“Last year, we installed a whole new security system—everything is brand new, down to the keypads,” Katsiris said.
“Now, we have Smart ID badges, allowing staff members to access certain areas and at certain times of the day.”
The outside doors to the school no longer have key-locks, and teachers scan their ID card to access the buildings.
“The only door where you don’t need that ID card is the front office,” he said. “Even students must be with a teacher to have access to doors.”
Approximately $7 million from a 2005 Kyrene bond election is earmarked for the work.
“By the beginning of the next school year, all schools and the district office should have these new security systems in place,” he said.