Disability-law compliance is not just Michelle Stokes’ job—it’s her passion, and she wants to make sure that Tempe can justifiably be seen as inclusive and accessible to all people.
With Disability Awareness Month having just ended, Stokes, the city of Tempe’s disability-law compliance specialist, reminds residents to help make sure that Tempe remains inclusive and accessible to all people.
Here are a few ways:
Respect accessible parking spaces. People with disabilities need accessible parking spaces so they can get into and out of their vehicles. You can report abuses to the nonemergency Tempe Police Dispatch number at 480-350-8311 (TTY 711). Report accessibility infrastructure issues. Report sidewalks, curb ramps or pedestrian crossings that need repair or prevent accessibility to the city’s information line at 480-350-4311, contact Tempe’s ADA Compliance Specialist Stokes at 480-350-2704 or send email to Michele_Stokes@tempe.gov.
Nominate someone fabulous for the 30th annual Tempe Mayor’s Disability Awards. Visit www.tempe.
gov/disabilityawards for more information.
Recommend services to Access Tempe. Access Tempe maps more than 90 disability-related services available in the East Valley. Recommend a good service provider for us to add or, if you know someone who could benefit from the list, share it.
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Tempe continues push to raise disability awareness
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