Mayor Woods: A ‘simple step’ toward protection for all
Over the next month, Tempe will launch an all-out push to get more eligible people vaccinated against COVID-19.
COVID cases across the country — particularly those linked to the highly contagious Delta variant – are increasing and unvaccinated people are at highest risk of hospitalization and death.
Tempe, wanting to focus outreach and vaccination efforts on local areas with low vaccination rates, is rallying with community partners to host several free rapid-testing and vaccination clinics in the coming weeks.
“Don’t wait. Get the COVID-19 vaccine now and curb your risk,” Tempe Mayor Corey Woods said. “Let’s take this simple step to protect each other and our community.”
A recent survey showed that Tempe residents who had not yet been vaccinated wanted more information to help them make their choice as well as evening and weekend vaccine opportunities.
Since the 85281 ZIP Code has typically experienced the highest rates of COVID-19 and the lowest rates of vaccination in Tempe, the effort will be focused there. An emphasis will be placed on reaching younger people and the Hispanic community.
Tempe has mailed postcards to thousands of people in 85281, placed yard signs with vaccination information in 16 parks in the ZIP Code, at fire stations and on digital marquees.