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Series of public meetings runs through Feb. on proposed Chandler utility-rate increases

Chandler, which manages and operates water, wastewater, reclaimed water and solid-waste utilities within its limits, is projecting a need for rate increases to fund rising operating costs as well as debt-service associated with capital improvements, according to officials. –Chandler photo

Public meetings continue Feb. 3 to gather input from customers for City Council consideration into potential utility-rate increases.

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The city, which manages and operates water, wastewater, reclaimed water and solid-waste utilities within its limits, is projecting a need for rate increases to fund rising operating costs as well as debt-service associated with capital improvements, according to officials.

There also are recommended fee and/or policy changes for the Recycling Solid Waste Collection Center, bulk collection and solid-waste customers who receive alley collection instead of curbside service.

The meetings will be in the Council Chambers, 88 E. Chicago St. Chandler residents also can sign up to attend virtually or to provide feedback at chandleraz.gov/ProposedUtilityRates.

Meetings are set for:

  • Feb. 3 at 5:30 p.m. – Residential alley-customer focused.
  • Feb. 8 at 5:30 p.m. – Non-residential-customer focused.

Proposed rate changes, if approved, would take effect July 1, 2022.

The waste, wastewater and solid-waste rate adjustments will incorporate results of a recent Cost of Service Study, which analyzed actual demand and impact from each customer class on the respective utility systems, and then allocated the costs of providing these services to each customer class. This process ensures that each customer class is paying its fair share for services provided.

More information: chandleraz.gov/ProposedUtilityRates.

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