If a big brown delivery van seems to be inching into your lane of traffic, it’s likely not a UPS truck and it’s certainly not Pete Curiel.
The veteran parcel-service driver, a longtime Tempe resident, has been inducted into his company’s prestigious Circle of Honor for achieving 25 years of accident-free driving.
Curiel, along with 25 other elite drivers from Arizona, are among 1,613 newly inducted into the company’s honorary organization.
today announced that 26 elite drivers from Arizona are among 1,613 newly inducted worldwide Arizona boasts 104 active Circle of Honor drivers with a combined 2,899 years of accident-free driving, according to a press release.
Mark Woolston of Glendale is the state’s senior-most safe driver, with 40 years of accident-free driving under his belt. There are 1,702 total UPS drivers in Arizona.
Globally, 8,703 active UPS drivers are members of the Circle of Honor. Collectively they’ve racked up more than 245,000 years and more than 5.3 billion safe miles during their careers. That’s enough miles to travel to Mars and back 19 times.
“My thanks go to all of them for their dedication and focus and for the countless lives they’ve saved,” said George Willis, president, UPS West Region. “Their attention to detail has kept them safe and has helped improve public safety.”