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Answering the Top 10 questions about Kyrene kindergarten

Why is Kyrene school a good choice for my child’s Kindergarten? Kyrene is one of the premier districts in Arizona. We hire highly qualified teachers who strive to create engaging and innovative learning environments for every student. Our parents are involved and are encouraged to be an active part of their child’s learning experience. Our “Kyrene Teaches with Technology” program has been honored by the National School Board Association. It provides students with access to age-appropriate computer devices that are used to enhance their learning. There are 19 elementary schools in Kyrene—5 in Tempe, 5 in Chandler, 9 in Phoenix.

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At what age can my child enter Kindergarten? — We recommend your child be age 5 by September 1 of the current school year. However, early entrance exceptions can be made for children born between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31.

If you think your child may be eligible for an early entrance exception, you may attend one of our Kindergarten Early Admissions Information meetings to determine if they qualify. Call 480-541-1000 if you have any questions.

When can I see my child’s classroom and meet their teacher? — All elementary schools will hold a “Meet the Teacher” night on Wednesday, July 27, from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Information on before- and after-school programs, how to set up a lunch account, and bus schedules will be available at that time.

Is there a fee for Kindergarten? — While state funding for free, all-day Kindergarten was eliminated, Kyrene and its Governing Board decided to continue providing all-day Kindergarten to its community at no cost.

Is there bus transportation? Will my child be with older students or is there separate transportation for Kindergartners? — Bus service is available for any student within each school’s boundary, provided they live more than 1 mile from the school. There is no separate bus service for Kindergartners; they ride with Kindergarten through 5th grade students. Middle school students, those in 6-8th grades ride on other buses.

How long is the school day? — Elementary schools start at 7:45 a.m. and end at 2:35 p.m. Wednesdays are “early release” days, with students dismissed at 12:35 p.m.

Will my child get to take a nap? — There are no “naps” in Kindergarten, however most classrooms have a rest period.

How long is the lunch period? Will there be someone available to help with opening containers or juice boxes? — The lunch/recess period is 40 minutes long (check with your school for specific lunch times). During the first few weeks of school, additional staff is available to spend time with Kindergarten classes to ensure they understand and manage the lunchtime routine.

After that time, there are staff who work lunch duty who can assist if available. It is best to pack easy to open containers/beverages or work with your child on those skills before starting Kindergarten.

When will I find out more about what my child will be learning? — Parents receive some information at “Meet the Teacher Night” on July 27.   A more detailed overview of the year’s learning objectives is provided during “Curriculum Night,” which is scheduled about a month after school starts.

What can I do to help my child be ready for Kindergarten? — Your child is required by law to be up-to-date on their immunizations. Kyrene offers immunization clinics in conjunction with Chandler Regional Medical Center. Vaccines are given to children six weeks to 18 years of age. Parent must accompany their children to these clinics and provide previous immunization history. 

Vaccines will be FREE to children with NO insurance, children with AHCCCS and Kids Care Insurance, children with private insurance that does not cover vaccines and Native American children.

Children with private medical insurance that covers vaccines will NOT be eligible for the free vaccines at these clinics. Go to our website at Immunization Clinics for more information.

Bring your child to “Meet the Teacher,” so they can become acquainted with their teacher as well as their classroom.

They may even get to see their desk and where they will sit. Begin a few weeks prior to the start of school, transitioning to a school schedule at home, adopting a regular bedtime and wake up routine.

We suggest you familiarize your child with their bus stop and before school begins, or walking their route to school.

You can check bus routes and stops at www.kyrene.org/busroutes.

You can also check the Back to School page on Kyrene’s website to see general supply lists. Then, make sure your child is well rested, has a good breakfast and has a backpack ready with all needed school supplies ready for that first morning of Kindergarten.

— Compiled for Wrangler News by Nancy Dudenhoefer

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