Editor’s note: Shortly after taking on her new role as the Kyrene School District’s new superintendent, Dr. Jan Vesely announced a series of audits to examine widely ranging aspects of the district’s instructional methodology. The following update relates to the district’s findings in one area of classroom-resources.
During the 2016-2017 school year, Kyrene released a solicitation for proposals for English Language Arts instructional materials for grades K-8. Kyrene follows a defined process when considering a resource for adoption.
Please visit ELA Resource Review for more detailed information.
Kyrene would like to thank each community member who took time to review resources and provide feedback.
The review process for resources includes an initial analysis of resources for standards alignment and vendor presentations.
This work was conducted by a resource review committee, which represented all 25 schools, all grade levels, and relevant district departments that provide learning services, such as Student Learning and Support Services and Educational Technology. Resources that met the criteria defined by Arizona State standards and The Publisher’s Criteria were recommended for 60-Day Review.
The window for the 60-Day Review ran from January 11 through March 24. Survey respondents submitted their preference anonymously. Teachers and leaders across the district provided thorough feedback that represented their passion and expertise in literacy instruction.
In addition to a teacher survey, community members and families were invited to review and provide feedback on the resources.
The community was notified of the 60-Day Review through press releases, articles in Wrangler News and Ahwatukee Foothills News and social media postings. Communications were provided via site councils, e-blasts, Parent Superintendent Council, parent teacher organizations and school/district events.
During the “Get Ready for Middle School” event, 150 flyers about the adoption and how to provide feedback were distributed. Upon close of the 60-Day Review, responses were collected and analyzed.
The goal of any resource adoption is to provide instructional materials to support the implementation of viable curriculum.
Teachers have expressed the need for comprehensive curriculum to support their instruction.
Audit findings have identified gaps in this area suggesting that the district focus efforts on the development of comprehensive curriculum guides and assessments. The foundation of Kyrene’s curriculum will be guides developed through collaboration of teacher teams.
The guides will provide a viable curriculum explicit to direct instruction for all students.