In an era of mounting social discord and disaffection, two local churches are banding together to bring a positive message to the community and assist poverty-stricken families in Bolivia.
Arizona Community Church and First Baptist Church will hold collaborative concerts Sunday, Sept. 30 and Sunday, Oct. 7. Pastor Greg Schaefer, Arizona Community Church’s pastor of worship and music, said he is part of a team that will travel to the land-locked South American nation Oct. 9. It will be Shaefer’s first venture to Bolivia where he and his wife sponsor a child.
“It’s fairly easy for all of us in our various churches to kind of do our own thing,” Schaefer said. “We wanted to provide an event that would express collaboration rather than just do things separately in our own ministries.”
The concerts will feature a mix of fare from traditional hymns to contemporary Christian music. “It’s a blend of the best of both,” Schaefer said.
Tickets to the concerts are free but a collection will be taken up at to support Food for the Hungry in Bolivia. The churches are also providing water-storage tanks for families in the village of Belén, Schaefer said.
Arizona Community Church, 9325 S. Rural Road, will host the Sept. 30 concert. First Baptist Church of Tempe, 4525 S. McClintock Dr., will host the Oct. 7 concert.
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