Tempe has increased resources to help applicants with the Equity in Action submittal process and extended the deadline to Tuesday, Sept. 24 at 3:30 p.m.
Additional resources include a video to help applicants better understand the Request for Quote (RFQ) process and a Spanish-language application.
Tempe’s Equity in Action pilot program is designed to increase the participation of underrepresented residents in Tempe’s planning and decision-making processes. The aim is for projects of all kinds – from local park improvements and streetscapes to bigger-picture, citywide issues like the Climate Action Plan – to receive more and better input from the widest possible array of Tempe residents.
If you serve or identify with Tempe’s youth, communities of color, low-income residents, non-English speaking residents, or other underrepresented groups, the city of Tempe would like to invite you to join the Tempe Equity in Action Team.
Together, you’ll discuss engagement ideas that are inclusive to all types of people living and working in Tempe. Chosen partners will demonstrate their ability to reach underrepresented communities.
The RFQ is open to individual residents, community leaders, groups and nonprofits. A fixed rate of $25 per hour will be paid to awarded participants.
After the RFQ response deadline, Tempe will consider the RFQ responses it received to determine which individuals or groups are most qualified to help the city moving forward. The chosen applicants will demonstrate that they have the ideas and experience to assist with a pilot project to update the city’s processes for seeking input from a wide variety of Tempe community members, including those who may not always hear about or be engaged in city functions.
View the formal RFQ at https://ww2.tempe.gov/bids/.
View the Equity in Action flyer here. View the Spanish version here.