Photo by Billy Hardiman
Frequent cyclist Riley Gay takes note of the planned 3-month closure of the Western Canal recreational pathway where it crosses from Tempe into Chandler at Price Road.
Cyclists taking advantage of these cooler days
and evenings will have to find a new route for their
pastime when Salt River Project launches a major
reconstruction effort along the Western Canal multiuse
path from Price to Alma School roads.
SRP officials say they are using the fall weather
to improve the efficiency of the canal system from
Nov. 1 to Feb. 1, lining with concrete the portion of
the canal adjacent to the bike-pedestrian path.
While the project area is limited to the portion
of the canal in Chandler, it will affect bike riders who
normally start their trek in Tempe.
According to SRP, the work must be done
during the winter when water demand is lower to
minimize the interruption to customers. The project
will require both banks of the canal to be occupied by
SRP crews and heavy equipment.
Work will begin with the collection and
relocation of the White Amur fish that help eliminate
aquatic weed growth in the canals. Through the
end of January, crews will perform activities such
as dredging, hauling, grading and delivery and
placement of concrete.
SRP says these activities require the closure of
the canal banks to the public, including the multi-use
path on the south side of the canal between Price and
Alma School roads for safety purposes.
The path portions in Tempe will remain open.
A suggested alternative route when heading
eastbound on the path from Tempe is to use Country
Club Way to Guadalupe Road.