By Rick Heumann
The fourth annual Chandler Science Spectacular event continues on its successful path and will return to downtown Chandler later this month. The two-day event highlights the world of science as it relates to art and everyday technology. This year, I’m excited to announce that the event will be held in conjunction with the first annual E.P.I.C. Fest, which is being coordinated through the Downtown Chandler Community Partnership. These events provide an opportunity for everyone to get excited about science with engaging hands-on activities. The festivities begin on Friday, Feb. 20, with the monthly Art Walk. It will be a Night of Art and Science in downtown Chandler from 6-10 p.m. Local artists will showcase their creations, while residents learn about the science and technology behind the tools and processes used. Attendees can expect to learn about the art of craft brewing, the science of lotion making, and watch LEGO robotics demonstrations. New this year is the E.P.I.C. Fest, which stands for Explore, Play, Imagine, Create. Chandler supports the maker movement, and this event will provide displays, demonstrations, and the opportunity to purchase work developed by local makers. It’s exciting to me to see the various types of do-it-yourself projects and prototypes that may be developed in someone’s garage and then become a necessity in our daily lives. It’s truly science and technology in our own back yard. On Saturday, Feb. 21, the Chandler Science Spectacular and E.P.I.C. Fest events will be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in downtown Chandler. More than 60 participants will provide interactive demonstrations and educational opportunities for people of all ages. Residents can learn about recycling, 3D printing, solar power and internal combustion. An exciting addition to Saturday’s event is the Star Wars Stormtroopers, who will make an appearance and will be available for photos. With the support of local businesses, educational institutions, non-profits and various city departments, we are able to continue to offer these free, family-friendly events and provide experiences for everyone. Intel has graciously offered to sponsor this event for the second year, and I can’t express enough how much I appreciate its continued support. Since the creation of this event through the Chandler Education Coalition, I am very proud of how it has grown each year. The more learning opportunities provided to our youth, the brighter futures they will have. This is a fun way to learn about the importance of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). Information: www.chandleraz. gov/science.
Rick Heumann, a longtime west Chandler resident, is a member of the Chandler City Council.