By M.V. Moorhead
Some of the most devoted theatre artists never set foot onstage, preferring to contribute from behind the scenes. Floyd Walston is among those celebrating this long and proud theatrical lineage.
By M.V. Moorhead
VooDoo Daddy’s is back—or maybe it would be more accurate to say it’s here for the first time, and potentially better than ever. Confused? No need to be. Tempe and...
By M.V. Moorhead
Almost 20 years ago it fell to me to review, for another publication, one of the animated Pokemon movies. It was an alienating experience, sitting there, watching the incomprehensible action...
Editor’s note: You may be wondering how a story originating in Florida applies to us in this part of the world, but venture out almost anywhere in the wilds of Tempe or...
When it comes to fishing, catfish is the only one that’ll hook you, or so I was told by an old guy at a barbecue restaurant. He was absolutely right, but he...
'THEY FLOAT THROUGH THE AIR WITH THE GREATEST OF EASE . . . The daring young women on the flying trapeze’
It can be difficult,...
By M.V. Moorhead
Is anybody interested in the Academy Awards this year? Plenty of people don’t care about them any year, of course, but the gold standard of award shows has had a...
By M. V. Moorhead
Whenever the subject of Legos comes up, as it does more and more frequently in popular movie reviewing, I feel the need to mention that I never had Legos as...