Tempe's real time operation center has become a focal point of the city's efforts to ensure a safe living environment, especially children, teachers and other school staff. That's one of the reasons...
For the no-doubt thousands of Tempe and West Chandler boaters who have yearned for a return to the days when they could traverse the narrow, spectacular—and mindbendingly terrifying— mountain trail to Apache...
Did you ever wonder how many bottles get squeezed into those tightly wrapped cases of portable drinking water so popular during our summer months? Answer: About two dozen—unless, of course, a few...
When summer arrives and students depart their classrooms, a different kind of hustle and bustle begins within Kyrene schools. Unlike the usual energy evident during school days, the summer months are a...
A section of Warner Road between Priest Drive and I-10 is among several roadways under increased law enforcement scrutiny as one of Tempe’s recent Safety Corridor target areas. The goal of the...
NOTE: This is an updated version of a school security story that appeared in Wrangler News last August with new insight and added preparations outlined by Charles Cobbs and TUHSD.
Charles Cobbs assumed...
Summer break is nearing its end as teachers, students and faculty are set to return to campus. While some are enjoying their final days of leisure, Tempe PD's Amy Pfeifer is itching...
You can’t see it nor can you smell it, but you can certainly feel it. It’s suffocating and relentless. Arizona’s summer heat is deadly, and those who are suffering from homelessness or...