Dr. Chirag Patel, a thoracic surgeon at Chandler Regional and St. Joseph’s Norton Thoracic Institute, says for those who aren’t taking the COVID-19 pandemic seriously: Please do. Your life may depend on it.
A major disconnect remains between what Arizona Department of Transportation is saying and what hundreds of nearby angry neighbors are saying about noise from an experimental diamond-grinding finish on the widened Loop 101/Price Freeway through Tempe and Chandler.
Gary McKay, owner of McKay's TrueValue Hardware in West Chandler, says the home-improvement industry is among those that have fared well during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Valentine’s Day is nearly here and lovelorn residents of Tempe and West Chandler can only hope they become as fortunate as North Chandler Place senior-living center residents Ron and Darlene Johnson and Bud and Irene Woods, who've been married for more than six decades each.
Arizona State researchers are studying whether cytisinicline coupled with behavioral therapy might help smokers kick their habit, which is a COVID-19 risk factor.
The Tempe Coalition to Reduce Underage Drinking and Drug Use is seeking community input as it develops initiatives and plans for the coming year. The input process will begin at the group’s regular monthly meeting on Feb. 9, 2021 from 3:30 p.m.– 5 p.m. The meeting will be held virtually, via Zoom. Â