Junior Achievement’s “18 Under 18 Awards” gives outstanding teens in Arizona the recognition that they deserve for their display of leadership, community service and entrepreneurial spirit.
Within minutes after it was learned Thursday night that voters in the #RedForEd campaign had approved a walkout, Dr. Jan Vesely, superintendent of the Kyrene School District, emailed a message to district parents assuring them that all Kyrene schools would be open on Friday, April 20, and that district administrators would continue providing updates as the situation unfolds.
Schmuck said he started the Love Your School Kyrene project because it’s “a way to donate funds to the classrooms in Kyrene and inspire other individuals and businesses to do the same.”
Half a world away, young students living in war-torn and poverty-stricken locations—such as Afghanistan, Pakistan and Tajikistan--make their best efforts each day to gain an education in makeshift schoolrooms, while working with few educational supplies.
Several thousand Arizona teachers descended on the state Capitol March 28 as part of the national “Red for Ed” movement, demanding state legislators and Gov. Doug Ducey provide funding to increase pay for educators by 20 percent.
Corona started the Boras Classic on fire, March 14, defeating Skyridge, from Lehi, UT, utilizing the 10-run mercy rule when junior Bryan Kalmer’s homerun gave the Aztecs a 10-run lead or a score of 11-1 ending the game at the 6th inning.
Though most school nurses deal with common ailments such as sore throats or the flu, in this era of school violence, emergency preparedness is ratcheting up.