Diana Whittle, our education reporter, takes a look at Kelly Alexander, retiring principal of Pueblo Middle School; and Dr. Kyle Ross, the new principal of the school.
Sometimes, it has been said, the challenge facing school budgets is more like an out-of-control rollercoaster ride than a paper-and-pencil exercise—at least that analogy can be applied to the upcoming budget cycle for the Kyrene district.
In this day and age of fast-paced living and instant gratification, you don’t often find people staying in the same job for more than five years anymore.
Students from Corona del Sol joined 303 of the top high school quiz bowl teams at the Atlanta Marriott Marquis on May 27 for the 2017 High School National Championship Tournament.
West Chandler’s Sunset Branch Library and the nearby Desert Breeze Police Substation will be drop-off sites for Operation Back to School Chandler, an event designed to bring entire communities together to provide disadvantaged students with school supplies they’ll need for the coming school year.