This year’s Taste of Kyrene proved to be larger than the last year’s event, with more guests and greater representation between staff leaders and community members.
“It’s definitely grown,” said MarJean Steinkamp, who...
Kyrene’s first ever leadership academy, started this year at Pueblo Middle School, is building new leaders with a passion for helping their community. And the group was applauded earlier this month by...
With two children attending Kyrene Public Schools (and one who graduated from them, coincidentally with some of the same teachers), parent Ted Gonzalez is all too aware of the effects of cuts...
Jackson Wilfert is keeping his eyes—and his career hopes—focused upward. The Marcos de Niza High School ninth grader is among 254 students from around the world who have just returned from the...
One more potential revenue-generator for the Kyrene School District is under study, focusing on a phased retirement plan that would lease retired employees back to the district through an outside company at...
Gerri Shaw retires this year after a decade as principal of Kyrene Aprende Middle School and 10 earlier years in classrooms around the district.
It’s been quite an adventure, she admits, with lots...
During a Kyrene Governing Board study session and meeting held March 6, members were presented with a potential revenue-generator for the school district by implementing a phased retirement plan that would lease...
Kyrene de la Paloma Elementary School students donated a total of 3,138 pounds of recyclable textiles to Phoenix Fibers, a sister company of Chandler’s United Fibers and Bonded Logic, to be converted...