Imagine a love story between a beautiful princess and a handsome half-god warrior. It sounds perfect—until he murders her husband and three brothers, destroys her city, captures her and turns her into...
Retired Chandler Police Chief Sherry Kiyler, who will deliver the keynote message at a coming Chamber of Commerce Women in Business session, asks a simple question with a perhaps not-so-simple answer: “Who Says You Can’t?”
West Chandler voters and their citywide neighbors are being asked this month to cast ballots for a charter amendment that would formalize the city's cycle of August and November elections in even-numbered...
Tempe is looking to expand its popular Orbit neighborhood circulator service by adding a new route – Saturn – to serve neighborhoods between U.S. 60 and Elliot Road.
A little over a month ago I was driving east along Rio Salado Parkway in Tempe, a little too fast. I hadn’t realized I was going too fast, but a nice young Tempe police officer went to the trouble to point it out to me, even though this meant following me on his motorcycle, using the flashing lights mounted on the vehicle to get my attention, and then, when I pulled over to the side of the road, dismounting and coming up to the side of my truck.
Dressed in fatigues and sporting backpacks, members of the Arizona Army National Guard’s 123 Mobile Public Affairs Detachment were finally headed for home. It was a recent Saturday morning, and they were mostly exhausted from the long journey.