Julian Dresang, Tempe city engineer, has been selected as the 2020 Bike Hero by the Tempe Transportation Commission for his contributions to making Tempe a safer place to bike the 217 miles of bikeways in the city.
Smoke billowing from last month’s derailment on the iconic Salt River Union Pacific Bridge was considerably heavier than what Harry Mitchell recalls from the steam locomotives that powered trains across it during his youth.
With temperatures in Tempe and West Chandler are soaring, area homeless and underprivileged face the deadly danger of dehydration with no means to alleviate it. Mary Contreras State Farm Agency is partnering...
Editor’s note: Our writer Lee Shappell interviewed Tempe Police Chief Sylvia Moir for our last issue reÂgarding the use of force and the recent racial unrest in response to the killing of...
The High Note—Tracie Ellis Ross plays a superstar pop singer. She’d like to work on new material; her handlers, led by Ice Cube, want her play to it safe with a Vegas...
When the Tempe City Council approved its 2020-21 fiscal-year budget on June 11, full funding for the Police Department remained despite efforts by several groups that banded together and marched on City...
Commentary by Jennifer Adams
Tempe has a long history of leaning forward into challenges. Our community is built on doing what some might think is impossible, like building a lake out of an...